Trinity Training & Development Blog
Archive by tag: Productive ConflictReturn

Is Productive Conflict Possible?

Tension hangs in the air. You can’t believe your colleague just said that--at all, let alone in a conference meeting. Most of the men and women sitting around the large wooden table are pretending to look through their notes, some check email on their phone. No one has said a word in what has been the longest minute you’ve ever endured. Maybe you should have been more understanding, given him another chance to speak up before you shut him down. But now you’re too shocked and angry to give him...
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Robert Winter to Speak at MindLab Conference

Robert Winter will be speaking at the MindLab conference on April 24th in Denver, Colorado. His session will focus on productive conflict, an assessment offered by Wiley/Everything DiSC. He will also discuss his FrontLine Leadership Development Program and how its implementation can help transform your organization's managers into strong leaders. This program has successfully equipped leaders in a wide variety of industries.
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